Hibiscus Bed Terminated-Herb Garden Begins

I dug up all of the hibiscus that overtaken the flower bed on the outside of the yard. I’ve sprayed all of the weeds while they were peeping through the ground and now, I need to till it up and add some really good compost and maybe some Miracle Gro potting soil. It’s a large bed and I have to keep chicken wire around it because the chickens seem to love everything in it.

The flower bed on the outside of the yard got cleaned up and will be worked up for a new herb garden. I’m going to try my luck at raising them and drying them in the fall.

I’ve opened the greenhouse and have planted several herbs to start in this bed. I had three herbs in one section last summer just to see how they would do, and they lived through the winter. The herbs I have started in the greenhouse are oregano, summer savory, thyme, marjoram, sage, Italian parsley, Italian basil, dill, lemon balm, tarragon, lemon basil, lavender, cinnamon basil, lemon savory, rosemary and fennel. The basils, oregano, dill and rosemary have already come up and been transplanted. The cinnamon basil smells heavenly and is barely an inch tall and I can’t wait for it to mature!!! I also planted in large pots some cilantro, lemon basil and chives.

The bottom two trays are full of all of the herbs I planted but for three large pots of bigger herbs.

If all goes as planned, I will dry herbs this fall and give gifts of dried herbs to family and friends for gifts along with a chart of how to use them in cooking. I’m very excited about this project.

Author: ritascountryways2022

I'm just a country girl living life my way on a farm with my husband and our critters. We've been married fifty years and been farming all of that time. We've moved from one family farm to one of our own and then to another family farm that has been in the family through at least six generations. In this day and age we could not have picked a better life!

6 thoughts on “Hibiscus Bed Terminated-Herb Garden Begins”

  1. OMG – clean slate. I think about doing that too! Can’t wait to see the finished product!
    My hibiscus has also taken over parts of my garden. Maybe I should dig some up and put somewhere else.


    1. The hibicus situation will only worsen if you have it with other plants. They’ll take over like they did here. I sent 20 roots home with Eddie’s cousin and think she is going to make a hedge with them. Heather took one large root and its putting where it will hide something she thinks takes away from the yard. I think she is wise.


  2. Herbs! I do culinary and starting more medicinal herbs this year. You enjoy those. I have many books if you’d like a peak at them sometime.


    1. I have a culinary cookbook using the herbs I’m going to try my hand at and appreciate the offer of your books. If this expands into something else I will surely contact you first!!! I’ve read some of your Facebook comments on herbs and was very interested. Good luck with your gardening this year. Looks like we are going to be without any fruit harvest this year with the frost and freeze of the last two weeks.


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