It’s a beginning . . . .

I’m so glad you are visiting my new blog and hope you will go to each tab below to know what I’m about and absorb our story of what life is like on a small cattle farm in Craig County, Virginia, USA. Check out the “POSTS” tab for the whole story!!

Each tab will take you to a different part of my life as a farm wife. I love to cook so there’s a cooking tab. I love to garden so I have a “Let’s Go Play in the Dirt”. I have a lot of tips on everyday life that I personally have used and still use called “Handy Shortcuts and Hints”. There’s a tab for canning and preserving, one about me and one on how to contact me. I hope you will “follow” me and get an email each time I write a new posts and “Posts” are the articles I write about what’s going on in our world.