Fried Apple Pies

Our favorite dessert is fried apple pies or a big fresh apple pie! Recently I made up a batch of the fried apple pies which we had for snack and breakfast.

They are very simple to make and all you need is five canned biscuits. I use the small cans for this, and they roll out just thin enough to handle easily and fill with your favorite apples.

I use the store brand mini cans of five biscuits and roll each one into a 5 inch round. I sift some bread flour on the table to make it easier to roll out the dough.
Last year I had just enough Wolf River apples to cook for these and froze them to use as I needed. I don’t cook them up like applesauce, I cook to the point of soft cubes and add some sugar to sweeten. When I want to make pies, I add a half teaspoon of vanilla and a two teaspoons of apple pie spice to a pint of apples and stir together. You DON’T want to cook them to get thin like applesauce. We like the chunky apple bits.

Roll out the dough, drop a couple spoonsful of apple mixture in the middle, fold the dough over and press edges together with a floured fork. It very easy! Get your oil hot at 375* (I have a deep fryer, but you can use a large skillet, the oil has to cover the pie to cook thoroughly.)

They will puff up and golden on both sides (you have to flip them with a fork while they’re cooking). Remove from oil onto a parchment covered sheet pan. I sprinkle mine with powdered sugar or make a icing of powdered sugar and milk and drizzle over the pies.

Let them cool and then place in an airtight container and place in cool area. Mine don’t last long enough to spoil!! They’re so good!!! For a special dessert for guest, place in a bowl and top with your favorite scoop of ice cream (mine is butter pecan). I use the same recipe for fried peach pies.