New Visitor To Backyard

I love that we have so much wildlife near and around us. Deer, bear, raccoons, wild rabbits, turkeys, it’s all here. This month we’ve had a very special guest playing in the back yard.

It’s a fox squirrel that half black and half red/gray. He’s beautiful!!
When I first saw it out my kitchen window, I panicked thinking it was a skunk.
He’s eating sunflower seeds I put out for the birds. They scatter it everywhere.
I hope he hangs around because he’s a beauty!!
Most fox squirrels are gray and red.
He’s gathering old maple seed and sunflower seeds that the birds have dropped near the feeders.

Feathered Visitors To the Farm

I’m trying to do some “catch up” blogging this morning and while browsing through my post drafts I found this one.

Over forty Canadian geese had come to the pond one morning in September. We’ve never had this many at one time.
Normally, Sadie would chase them away, but we think she thought this was just too many to take on.
They stayed for about two hours and then flew across the road to our hayfields.

Later in the day, we were in the northeast hayfield moving haybales off the field and stacked in a fenced lot. The geese were there and paid no attention to us working all around them. There were 43 geese in all and they seemed to be in four groups. We’re sure they were adult pairs with their spring goslings that had matured enough to swim and fly, and their parents were introducing them to all the wonderful fresh cut grass in the fields and the bugs that live in that grass. I’ve no doubt they will return again next summer.